Friday 15 December 2006

X Factor Result

The end is near for the X-Factor finalists. Although they will all no doubt receive a record contract regardless, Ray and Leona will be battling it out this Saturday night. If like me you are going to be out enjoying the build up to Christmas- Don't forget to make sure someone texts you the result! Fingers crosses for Ray.

Thursday 7 December 2006

Long Weekend

Six o clock on a thursday evening, preparing to leave the office with lavish thoughts of a long bank holiday weekend ahead. As i say every weekend, I am aiming to be productive and spend minimal time lying on the sofa with a fine hangover. My commiserations go out to those who have to work tomorrow.. really they do. What a shame the shops will be shut ;)

David Gest

Has anyone else fallen head over heels for David Gest? What a hilarious fellow he is. Aside from the fact that he employs someone to brush his teeth that is. How unfortunate that I'm a Celebrity get me out of here has finished, now we must all return to our merry little lives.

Mulled Wine and Mince Pies

Shaun and Rachel kicked off the Christmas parties last Saturday with their Mulled Wine and Mince Pie festivity. Despite the torrential rain, there were no holding back regular party goers. Pass the Parcel went down a treat. I on the other hand decided to sneak off at this point for another glass of champagne- to escape any embarrassing forfeits! Unfortunately it looks as if there are no plans for any further parties this month as they are spending Christmas in the UK, however i'm sure there are plenty more to come. To find out exactly what is happening this month log on to and take a look the events calender.

Monday 4 December 2006

Christmas is Coming...

Shocking isn't it, December the 4th already, where does the time go? Summer feels like a distant memory and Christmas always manages to sneek up on us, despite it being the same date every year. Although it's not as evident as it would be in England, the Port has begun to Sparkle and La CaƱada is becoming rather busy. If you are anything like me the thought of buying Christmas presents will probably not occur to you for at least another week or so, By this time you will no doubt be cutting it fine to find what you need - whilst this months wages dwindle in front of your eyes...

Friday 1 December 2006

Mission Impossible

For years I have wanted long hair, so i was thrilled to say the least when i saw an ad for hair extensions. I gave the salon a call and discovered that they were right by the Guadalpin Hotel - which is just accross the road. A second phone call confirmed that no they were not opposite the hotel (as i was told) but inside the hotel. After spending my whole lunch hour searching for somewhere that is supposedly 5mins from my office, i have almost given up all hope that the salon exists. And so i remain, none the wiser...