Sunday 1 July 2007

A Day in the Life of Miss Deane

I arrive home from work at around 4.30am absolutely shattered, after strutting my stuff for an extra hour with some cool guys from Germany.
Finally get to sleep around 5am.

8am off goes my alarm - 30mins to get out of the house.
Jump out of bed, literally head first into the shower, luckily manage to grab some toast for the journey..
Spend the next 3 hours being pampered as a model for my sister's final Beauty Therapy exam. (It's harder than its sounds)

1.30pm - Running late, rush home to get ready for a dance exam.
By the time I eat some dinner ( 1 chicken burger and half a bun) I manage a short rest before hitting the shower AGAIN and getting ready for work!

I seem to spend most of my rushing from A-B with crazy amounts of sleep..
Who ever said that life on the Costa del Sol is more relaxed?

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